3 years ago today, I was given the keys to HVBL.
I never imagined we would have turned into what we have!! A movement, a mission, defying the odds and defying the norm.
3 years ago I was just a girl with a VISION. Literally everyone thought I was over reaching and CRAZY for believing I could open up a medical spa in the city of Newburgh and it would be successful. No big money, no investors, no fancy machines, it was literally just me, my little bit of Botox, a couple of boxes of filler and my nano microblading supplies!
Talk about bare bones
I cannot tell you how many people watched me through my posts and stories and never said a word, secretly believing I would fail. The haters! The crappy things I would hear people saying about me…
Every single day I took to my IG stories, talking to my handful of followers about WALKING INTO GREATNESS and how we must believe in our ability to make magic happen….. even when we were feeling down or feeling defeated. WHO is going to believe we are worthy of SUCCESS if we don’t first believe in ourselves.
Some of you may not know this… I fell into quite the depression after my mother passed away 9/2020 – in the above picture I was in the thick of my depression actually. You wouldn’t know it, because I forced myself to get up and MOVE everyday. I was healing and life doesn’t stop when you’re healing. I chose to avoid my grief and navigate around it by pouring into my business and my patients. I promised myself I would show up each and every day with a fresh perspective and a positive mindset. There were no other option.
I threw myself into educating myself further as an injector and to be honest, the continuation of my education day in and day out was extremely impactful and was a vital part of my HEALING process. That and my patients. My beautiful, godsend patients who have filled a huge part of the void mom left when she passed away.
Today I celebrate being given keys that would unlock the rest of my life, to waking up feeling as if I’m dreaming everyday but MOST IMPORTANTLY – I’m celebrating all of my patients. Without you all — there would be no Hudson Valley Beauty Lab!!!